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Golf Lessons, Coaching Programmes & Pricing

Coaching Programmes to fit your lifestyle that can be up or downgraded from month to month. Programmes include one to one coaching, unlimited group classes. Support and education via online coaching platform CoachNow. Remote coaching sessions to plan monthly sessions. Coaching can be done in the centre, on the golf course or at the short game area. 


The Learning Process for Golfers

Become Aware







There are so many elements that create development that it can be overwhelming to know where to start. This is the reason for coaching. We cut through all the noise and make you aware of the biggest opportunities for self development. We use technology to back up our theories using Trackman to give impartial feedback on how we deliver the club and 3D motion analysis if we need to explore how you move. We also coach on the course if skills learned in training are not transferring.


A key developmental step is to understand where we are and where we want to go. Reflection is what allows us to understand where we are. This can be on the larger scale of overall scores, slicing a drive or looking through shots gained data. Or when we break the skill down into its component parts to make it processable we show you how to create sets with constraints on what range you must hit to complete the task.


Now you have decided on what direction you want to go its time to plan how to get there. We break each required skill into its component parts and then learn these and bring them together. We transfer short term memory skills to long term by spacing, interleaving and retrieval practice. You should learn multiple skills at the same time (spacing and interleaving) so we can forget and relearn the skills (retrieval). This helps creates long term instinctive skills.


Based on the book 'a thousand brains' by Hawkins. We follow this theory of learning by creating points of reference for everything you are attempting to improve. The brain creates a model of everything and from this model we create our perception and then identity from how we move, how the club moves, how the ball moves, our emotions, how the environment affects us, how models interconnect and many, many more. We are always looking to come up with more and more models to layer into your training. It is important to be modelling the area that will help you achieve your goals. This is why we have created a basic, advanced and expert model for body movement (the swing), impact, ball flight, the environment, pressure, emotion and strategy. Typical golf instruction has focused attention on movement which is important but it is our experience that most golfers have a decent basic model of the swing and possess limited impact, flight, environmental, pressure, emotional and strategic models. This is why we rarely start by modelling movement until the others catch up.


This is where we bring in the environment, pressure, emotion and strategy. We expect clients to play as they learn but it is important to play with the skills that you know not the ones you are working on or the ones you want. When we coach on the course we are helping you apply the skills you possess in the golf course environment and create a strategy for the skills you have and don't have yet. We don't coach on the course if we don't know your baseline skill level. We want to understand if it is you ability to strike a ball or how you process the environment that needs the modelling. We help you explore the environment to find solutions and understand that playing needs to be learned like all the other elements of the game.

Our Guide to Coaching Golfers Through Development

1-to-1 Coaching

This is the preferrd and in our experience the most effective coaching. Learning is much more than just offering new information. Learning must come to the learner in order for development to take place. This is why we have an adaptive approach which depends on what is required to take the next step towards your goals.

Remote Coaching

This is a very useful tool to guide golfers through their coaching journey. It is especially helpful when blended with 1-to-1 coaching. We use this time to reflect on practice sessions and any playing data we have gathered. We can then create a plan to move forwards from here. This allows the 1-to-1 coaching sessions to be focused on the doing of development as we have already reflected and planned. This makes for more efficient coaching, practice and development.


We use trackman to assess your impact variables and refine your skill. These are the varibales we use to strike every shot in the game. You also practice with trackman so you can quickly acquire the points of reference of these variables which is the foundation every good golfer uses to strike a ball.

Coach Now App

All coaching programmes have access to the Coach Now collaboration app. We will have sections in the app for communication between lessons, for tasks that have been set, for plans and reflections. Everything golf can go in here. Plus we will add you to our coaching forum where different aspects of the game will be discussed. We want to make sure we are guiding your practice between coaching sessions as well as during the coaching session itself.


We currently use the Arccos system to track your shots gained data relative to your target level. This system puts a sensor at the top of the club and automatically detects and tracks the shots you hit. After we have about 5 rounds of data we can look at the areas of your game that need the most attention.

Golf Practice Memberships Options

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Unlimited practice

£104 per month

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Practice Plus

- Unlimited practice

- Unlimited group classes

- Outdoor range and short game access area

- 3D Motion Capture Practice

£144 per month

Annual programmes receive 2 months free

Monthly Golf Coaching Programmes

Annual programmes receive 2 months free

Individual Golf Practice & Coaching

If you're not looking to commit to something longer term, then our one-off individual practice and coaching sessions are the perfect way to dip your toe in.

- Special Offer -

Free 60 Minute Introduction
to Coaching

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